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Keith Ruse and Charles Ranger Earn ABYC Certifications

Deltaville Boatyard Proprietor and Technician Obtain Marine Electrical Certifications

Deltaville, Virginia — Deltaville Boatyard (DBY) Owner/Operator Keith Ruse of and Technician Charles “Charlie” Ranger have earned American Boat and Yacht Counsel (ABYC) Marine Electrical Certifications. Both veteran marine mechanics and residents of Middlesex spent a week preparing for the certification by attending the ABYC class in Alexandria, Virginia in February prior to passing the comprehensive exam. The class was sponsored by the American Bureau of Shipping. Ruse successfully re-certified for this credential and continued his ABYC Master Technician status in doing so. This is Ranger’s second ABYC certification after passing the ABYC Marine Diesel exam earlier in February.

Ranger stated, “I am fortunate to part of the team at Deltaville Boatyard because we value career advancement and professional education. I hope to earn my ABYC Marine Systems certification next and achieve an ABYC Master Technician badge next.”

“Charlie (Ranger) has been with us for almost a year and he has proven to be a tremendous asset to the DBY team in that short period of time. We are proud of the work he does, the ownership he maintains over his projects, and his willingness to learn. Every member of the Deltaville Boatyard team is expected to excel at work and in the classroom – especially me,” Ruse commented.

The American Boat and Yacht Council have been developing safety standards for the design, construction, equipage, repair, and maintenance of boats for over 60 years. “We build safety and quality into every project as an ABYC Standards Accredited service facility. Therefore it is critical for our marine technicians to earn certifications through ABYC and adhere to the ABYC standards,” continued Ruse.

Deltaville Boatyard provides a large variety of quality marine services. For more information, visit or call 804-776-8900.

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